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Make Every Week Zero Waste Week with Glass

Make Every Week Zero Waste Week with Glass

National Zero Waste Week 2015 is here! It will take place on 7th- 13th September and we would like to encourage everyone to be a part of it. Give yourself the ultimate eco challenge and live your life for seven days with creating as little new waste for landfills as possible


In England alone, we generate around 177m tons of waste every year*. Zero Waste Week helps remind us that it’s possible to cut this awful habit by making a few small changes in our behavior and attitude to everyday waste.


This year the theme of Zero Waste Week is ‘reuse’, which glass is perfect for! It offers so many practical reuse opportunities from storage containers and drinking glasses, to photo frames and vintage-inspired lighting solutions.


There is no doubt that glass is one of the most useful and safe materials when it comes to ‘reuse’, but it can also be and recycled over and over again without losing quality.


Did you know? Every household in the UK uses on average 331 bottles and jars each year.  If the average household recycled all their glass, enough energy would be saved to power your TV while watching 210 episodes of Coronation Street!


Sign up to Zero Waste Week here, and follow the campaign on Facebook or on Twitter using #zerowasteweek.


Happy Zero Waste Recycling 🙂


* Waste and recycling statistics